Doctor Dragon: Earth Dragons Series: Book 6 Page 3
“I’m here because I want a challenge. Something new. I want to do something meaningful.”
“Isn’t taking care of your patients important? Isn’t running your practice important?” He cocked his head.
Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. “Of course, but it’s not ‘change the world’ stuff. Not groundbreaking. I want to do more.”
“Finding a cure for a handful of Feral females is hardly groundbreaking. It’s certainly not going to change the world, Dr. Baker. If that’s what you’re looking for then you’ve come to the wrong place.”
“It will change the world for those individuals affected.” She held his gaze, her stare unwavering. It was a good answer.
“You were abducted and held captive by a Feral. How will you feel having to work with the species? We will most likely need to spend time on Feral territory, we’ll need to mingle extensively with the species.”
“One individual was responsible for what happened to us. Sand and Macy were the ones who were truly affected. Not me,” she countered, remaining completely calm. “Anyway, it would be wrong of me to blame an entire species for the actions of one, unless of course, the entire Feral race is likely to abduct and hold me captive at some point in the future.” She raised her brows. “Then I might be concerned.”
Druze felt his lips twitch. This female had spunk. He wasn’t sure whether it was a good or a bad thing. “I think you would be just fine. That particular female will not bother you in any way…should you get the position, that is.”
She smiled and nodded once. “Good to know.”
“Do you have any questions regarding the role?”
She shook her head and then stopped mid-shake. “This is just a temporary position? Is there no chance of an extension, should the team work well together?”
“It’s just temporary, for now. I certainly can’t promise any extensions to the contract. I’m hopeful,” he shrugged, “but not holding my breath.”
She looked put out by his answer. Her shoulders slumped and her eyes lowered to the table.
“Did you read the brief?” he asked.
She nodded once, crossing her legs. “Yes, I did. A couple of times actually.”
“Then you will see that even though this is a short-term project, you will be well compensated.” He folded his arms, keeping his eyes on her.
“If I were looking at this from a short-term perspective, then, yes, the money is great. You need to understand, Dr. Druze that I’m looking at it long-term. I stand to lose patients if I’m offered this position. In the long, run that means lower profits. I’d have to rebuild all over again. This venture will ultimately cost me financially.”
“But you still want in?”
She nodded. “Yes,” she smiled, looking resolute, “I do. I will lose out financially but will gain in so many other, more fulfilling ways. I am sure that I will be a better doctor in the long run. That means more to me than money.”
Fuck but she was good. Had all the right answers. Too good to be true maybe?
“You’re not married?”
She held up her ringless hand and shook her head. “No.”
“Not engaged or in a serious relationship?” He couldn’t scent another male on her but wanted to be sure. It would be better if she was serious about someone.
“I’m not sure why it would matter, but no.” She shook her head. “To all of the above.”
He pushed out a heavy breath. “You’re highly attractive, Dr. Baker.”
The female frowned. “Thank you,” she widened her eyes, “although I’m not sure that’s appropriate.”
“I was simply stating a fact, Doctor. I didn’t mean it as a compliment. In fact, the opposite is true.”
“Oh.” Her eyes widened some more. “I’m not sure I follow.” More frowning.
“You would have to work on dragon and Feral lands. There is a shortage of females, Dr. Baker. You would be a point of interest to the males of both species. You realize that, don’t you?”
“I hadn’t thought about it.” She shrugged and he could see that she meant it.
“Are you on birth control?”
“Yes, I am. I know why that is important. You wouldn’t want me going into heat or anything.” She winked at him.
It would be a fucking shit-show. “No,” he cleared his throat, “I wouldn’t want that. I wouldn’t want you encouraging the males in any way or—”
“Are you serious? Did you ask any men applying for this role these questions?”
“No,” he shook his head, “there would be no point. Our males wouldn’t try to fuck a human male. Most wouldn’t at any rate. Our males will certainly try it with you…that much I can tell you.” The idea angered him. “We have an important job to do. There won’t be time for sex and all the other bullshit that goes with it. I need someone on my team who is serious about work. You will have males coming at you from all angles. Turning them down won’t be a problem, will it?”
“I haven’t had sex in years,” she blurted, looking instantly embarrassed by her admission. “I’ve been too busy starting up and then running my practice. There’s no time and besides, men seem to be intimidated by a successful, intelligent woman.”
“They won’t be intimidated. They’d be highly turned on.”
Her mouth dropped open. “Good for them. I wouldn’t be interested. You will be hiring me to perform a duty which I would do to the best of my ability. I’m not planning a fun trip, although, I’m somewhat of a nerd; this type of stuff is fun to me. I’ve delivered countless babies and have had my hands up countless vaginas, I’m ready for a challenge. I want to help these women.”
“Good.” He pushed his chair back and stood up. “Then you’re hired. You have two weeks to prepare. My personal assistant will send the relevant paperwork. You’ll need to meet with our attorneys as well.”
Dr. Baker blinked a few times and her mouth opened and closed soundlessly. Then she stood up as well. “I must say. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted this job until just now.” She nodded, smiling. “Thank you.” Then, unexpectedly, she walked around the table and hugged him.
Everything in him bristled as her soft body pushed ever so gently against him. As her hands pressed up against his back. Her utterly feminine scent enveloped him. Druze had to stop himself from pushing her away. What the hell was she doing? “I’m your boss…and this is inappropriate,” he finally growled.
“Oh! Of course.” She let him go. “I can be a bit ‘touchy feely’. My whole family is like that.” Then her eyes widened. “It doesn’t mean I plan to get touchy feely with everyone…like that. It’s just that I really appreciate the opportunity. You won’t regret it. We’re going to make a good team.”
“Fine, but don’t let it happen again.” Heaven forbid this female would touch him whenever she felt like it. That wouldn’t do at all.
“Sure thing.” She smiled brightly. “Oh my god, two weeks! I have so much to do.” Just then, her phone began to ring. “I need to get back to the hospital.” She grabbed her stuff and exited, the phone plastered to her ear.
Chapter 5
“Holy shit!” Dr. Craig Burgess turned in a full circle. He was grinning broadly. He looked to be in his mid to late thirties. Was good-looking, even though his nose was a tad too prominent. He had dark hair and brown eyes. The tan and physique of a person who exercised daily in the outdoors. Brittney guessed he was a runner, with possibly some push-ups thrown into the mix on a regular basis. Brittney had been introduced to him before they’d climbed into a helicopter. Just as they were about to leave to be flown out there. Smalltalk had been difficult over the engine noise. They’d tried during the two-and-a-half-hour flight to the lair but had quickly given up.
“Fuck me! Excuse the French,” he added with a hard chuckle, before putting his hands on his hips. “I’m in absolute awe of what I’m seeing. And you?” He shook his head, bending over a little as he laughed some more. “Dr. Baker, what do you make of all
this?” He narrowed his eyes on her, pulling himself back up to his full height, which looked to be a little over six foot. “You don’t look shocked at all.”
“Did I know about the existence of dragons?” She pulled in a breath. “Yes, I did. I found that out some months ago. Having said that, this is the first time I’m setting foot on their territory.”
“Oh, you knew about them?” He raised his brows. “You’ll have to tell me all about it.”
“It’s a long story.”
“And we’re here for a while, so there’s time.” He rubbed his hands together. “To think I nearly turned this down. I’m excited…although…” he lifted his eyes in thought, “why me, an avian veterinarian?” He frowned deeply. “Why not a herpetologist? Dragons are reptilian.”
“Britt!” A female voice called to her from further up the balcony. It was one she recognized.
Brittney turned in that direction, seeing Sand and Macy. Her friend waved like mad at her.
She felt her face split into a smile. “Hi!” She waved back.
“You know them?” Dr. Burgess raised his brows. “Why is his tattoo gold? All the others have been silver.” He spoke under his breath.
“Good observation. He’s a prince,” she remarked. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”
“A prince?” He nodded his head a few times, looking intrigued.
“There are four dragon tribes,” she explained as they walked. “All with their own hierarchy. Fire, Earth, Air and Water. This is the Earth tribe. Even though they all have their own kings, the Fire dragons are the rulers. You’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly.”
“I missed you,” Brittney said as they met up with the couple. She first hugged Macy and then Sand, introducing Dr. Burgess to them.
“Please, call me Craig,” he said as he shook hands with Sand. “This place is amazing. Did you guys build it?”
“You’re bigger,” Britt observed, looking down at Macy’s stomach.
“I know,” Macy beamed. “I can feel them kicking now.” She put her hand to her lightly rounded belly. “Are you still going to be able to be my doctor? Please say yes.”
“If I’m on dragon soil, absolutely, otherwise…” She made a face. “I sent you an email, but I don’t think you’ll be able to change and see a ‘regular’, human gynecologist.”
“Definitely not!” Macy shook her head. “There’s always my sister-in-law Meghan, although she doesn’t work as much anymore and she’s not a gynecologist. Then there are the healers. I’ll be fine.” She rubbed her belly again. “We’re doing great.”
Hard flapping. In unison. Bold and loud. It drew all of their attention. A formation of dragons slowly descended onto the balcony. Brittney felt her jaw drop. Her eyes bugged out of her head as she watched the majestic creatures slowly lower. They were huge and powerful, scales gleaming in the sun. There had to be at least thirty or more of them. Their wings were wide. Tails swept from left to right. Huge claws extended down…down…down…until they touched the ground in unison. The balcony vibrated a little beneath her feet.
Great backs arched. Heads lifted to the sky. There were loud cracking noises and she watched entranced as their bodies seemed to fold in on themselves. Wings and tails disappearing. Limbs shortening. Skin where scales used to be. Dragons became men. Super powerful beasts became formidable humans.
Naked asses.
Gleaming chests.
Thick, hard muscle.
So much nudity on display.
Her eyes were drawn to one male in particular. Her cheeks burned. Her whole body felt hot. He was taller than most. More powerful than all of them. At least, it sure looked that way to her. Although he was too far away to see, his eyes were a soft, mossy green in color but that was where the softness ended.
In fact, Brittney would go so far as to say that he looked angry. He seemed to be looking straight at her. There were two vertical grooves between his eyes. His shoulders were impossibly wide, and his muscles bulged…all over. His abs— Good lord. She allowed her gaze to drop down lower and felt her cheeks heat even further. Dragons were hairless. They were big…everywhere. Make that huge…everywhere. Her eyes flashed back to his face. Druze’s jaw tightened as he began to walk towards them.
Still naked.
Very much so.
His big…um…part swayed with each long stride he took. Why was she even looking down there? She shouldn’t be. How could she not? Why was he naked? Why wasn’t he getting dressed? What the heck!
Her face felt like it might burst into flames at any second. Her palms felt clammy. Her armpits sweaty. The formal button-down suit she had decided to wear for her first day, was suddenly stifling. She would have removed the jacket but didn’t trust her hands to work correctly right then. She’d probably drop it in a fumbling, blustering heap at her own feet.
Oh good.
Someone handed him a pair of pants. Only… What? Shit! He didn’t stop to put them on like the rest of the men. He kept on walking. His cock still swaying from left to right like a pendulum. A thick, meaty pendulum. No one else seemed to be worried or concerned about his state of undress. She could still hear Macy talking, but she couldn’t make out the words. The others seemed calm. Unperturbed. Her heart raced, thumping against her ribcage. It beat for all of them and then some.
“Doctors,” he addressed them, looking from Dr. Burgess and back to her. His voice was so deep and masculine. Even more so than before. Damn! He was sexy. Utterly beautiful in a dark kind of way. She had found him stuffy at the interview. Stuffy and arrogant. Neither quality attractive in the least. Yet, right then, her skin prickled with awareness. Shit! She was attracted to her boss. This was bad. Worse than bad. This sucked big time.
“Dr. Druze, it’s good to see you.” The avian vet grinned, breaking the moment. Thank god, since she and the dragon had been staring each other down. The two men shook hands. “Should I take my clothes off as well?” Craig chuckled, sounding nervous. Okay, good! She wasn’t the only person affected then.
“Of course not.” Thick and smoky.
“Hello.” It came out sounding like a croak. She’d never had a conversation with a naked guy before. One she wasn’t dating. One she hardly knew. One she found ‒ lord help her ‒ attractive. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she had seen a man naked. Never one this impressive. Not with an audience. This was a first. She swallowed thickly, her saliva making a gulping noise as it went down her throat, which felt squeezed shut.
Druze’s eyes narrowed in on hers with an intensity that made her want to step back. “Are you okay, Dr. Baker? You look flustered.”
“I’m fine,” she squeaked. “Better than fine,” she added, saying far too much. “Are you putting those on any time soon?” She wanted to point at the pants in his hand but didn’t for fear of looking down and seeing him…it. Him naked. Up close and personal.
“No.” He shook his head, folding his arms. “You need to leave now if you have a problem with nudity. The Feral don’t wear much, if they bother to dress at all. Even dragons are naked for some of the time. If it bothers you, we have a problem. That goes for both of you.” He glared at Craig for a second but saved up most of his scrutiny for her.
“I wasn’t expecting it. By ‘it’ I mean that…” She pointed down and giggled, like she’d never seen a cock before. Which she hadn’t…at least, not one like that. “Um…a shifter penis.” She scrunched her face up. “I’m nervous. I have first-day jitters. I hadn’t expected to see my boss naked.” She realized that she was looking at the sky, her head tilted back. Brittney looked him in the eyes. “I’ll be better prepared next time.”
“Stop giving Britt so much shit,” Sand said, slapping Druze on the side of the arm. “You’re starting to make my female uncomfortable as well with this little point you’re trying to make.”
Britt glanced at Macy, who looked absolutely fine. Druze made a grunting noise and finally…finally he
put the pants on.
Thank god! She could breathe. Only just. Brittney was still reeling with the realization that she was attracted to her boss. Maybe it had just been an in the moment thing. When he had been naked. It had been a shock. That was all! She wasn’t actually attracted to him.
“Are the three of you getting straight to work?”
Druze shook his head. “I’m going back out with the next team. There is concern that the movement in and out of our territory will bring the Hunters.”
“Yeah, I heard as much,” Sand said.
“Hunters?” Dr. Burgess frowned. “I know we signed indemnities, but I thought it was just a formality.”
“We are a hunted species, Dr. Burgess.”
“Please, call me Craig. We’re going to be working closely together.” He made a face. “And hunted? I don’t like the sound of that.”
“Again, it’s the way it is. Nudity is a way of life for shifters, as is danger. The contract was clear.”
“It was in legalese. My lawyer said it was nothing to be concerned about. That it was just a formality. Was she wrong?” Craig frowned.
“Chances are good that you will be fine, but there is some risk involved. Do you wish to return home, Craig?” Druze asked.
Craig shook his head.
“What about you, Dr. Baker?”
“I’m fine.” She held up her hands. “All good over here. I’m sure with you out there to protect us, we’ll be just fine.” She smiled, realizing how cheesy that had sounded. She wanted to back-track and explain herself but held her tongue.
“Good to know, Doctor.”
“You can call me Brittney.” She smiled.
Druze ignored her. “Like I was saying, I’m headed back out there, so you have the rest of the afternoon and the evening off. I want the two of you in my office at seven tomorrow morning for a briefing. Don’t unpack. We leave for Feral lands tomorrow.”